Armored Dragon Blog
Go! Go! GoDot!

These past few weeks I've almost exclusively been focusing on sharpening my sword on GoDot and working on P. Exclusion


I now have a functioning "Interact" system in game! This will be essential for actually looting items and gear you will want to have. Along with the interact system I also kind of made a shooting system, but it's really just a dev system and will not be pushed into the final product. It's mostly just a raycast coming out of the barrel of the gun. It doesn't even follow the cross-hair! :D


Hot off the Blender press, comes these new placeholder-ish models!

Feast your face upon this flawless ammo box! This ammo box is a pretty small ammo box that'll probably contain around 250 rounds of any given ammunition. I might work on the functionality a bit to squeeze in more rounds for smaller calibers like pistol ammo. I probably won't allow anything heavy like grenades or rockets to be stored in there. (Gasp! Spoilers!)

Here is a 7.62x39mm round! You have almost certainly heard of it. It's a Soviet round most recognizable from it's use in the all too famous AK-47. Since bullets are incredibly simple to model, it's literally a cylinder with roundness on the tops and such, modeling new ammo types should be a breeze. However as I am solo-developing this pretty ambitious project for a first-timer to legitimate game-dev, I'm going to keep the ammo pool small. Some weapons I would like to include I probably just won't be able to for the soul reason I want to keep things simple. If this game proves to be as successful as I hope it to be (I'm having a blast making it!) I will be very excited to expand upon the gear.

I can't believe I have not shared this yet! This is a rough model of the M60! As a lot of my friends know the M60 is my favorite weapon of all time, beating even the M2 Browning. While I like the Browning, I love the M60. I'm not sure why I do, It was just love at first sight. Any game that allows me the use of the M60 casually (as in pick up and keep) I normally will take it. It's been that way since I was a little boy in ye olde days of CoD MW3 (the good one).

As a small tangent, I would like to mention how fun it is that modern gaming is so bad I literally have to specify "The good one" on original versions of games. Why do game publishers insist on rebooting previously successful franchise just to run them into the ground? I can't name a single fucking game that has been rebooted and it being even 50% as good as the original. It's exclusively a sharp downgrade. Every time they reboot it, it always crashes and burns, yet they just keep doing it. I guess I'm the stupid one though since these developers are the ones still in business and I haven't earned a dime making games (yet).

Back on track; You may notice that there is no box magazine, that's only because I never bothered to model one yet. I will probably need to redo the entire gun before the game reaches production solely because of how rushed the base of the weapon was. I did a fantastic job on the barrel end of the gun, but past that it's a nightmare. Now that I know what I'm doing it should be a breeze, but I regret thinking about that time expenditure.

I'm not sure if the M60 technically fits within the time frame I would like Exclusion to fit in, however given how the M60 came about in the first place, it is not unreasonable for it to exist in the first place given the time frame of the game. In this alternate universe it obviously won't be the M60 as we have it in reality because, this is not a game based in present day reality. There's going to be slight modifications to fit in with the roles the main characters will be playing in the game.

Weapons galore!

I have been reflecting on what I have produced so far and I have almost exclusively produced HMGs with the exception of the Gnockoff. I really don't want to flood the game with only heavy weapons, really I want only a few, but I just can't pick and choose which ones I want to include and which ones are to be left on the cutting room floor. I am looking to include the RPK machine gun, it's the LMG version of the AK-47, the aforementioned M2 Browning, but I fear that would be too many heavy guns. I am also looking to get a lot of battle rifles, assault rifles, and pistols. I would also like to include some funky ones like grenade launchers and rocket launchers.


I have greatly improved my scripting skill since the past week. I dedicated most of a single day just refining my coding skills and I greatly benefited from it. I have discovered that the programming style from C++ works a lot like the GDScript, so I can do a lot of fun stuff like "extends"-ing code. This drastically speeds up production and improves optimization in the project file.