Armored Dragon Blog
Merry Christmas

Ho Ho Ho! T'is the season to be thankful or whatever. Give gifts, give laughs, give crippling depression, I don't care. As long as you're giving, you're in the right spirits.

In the spirit of Christmas, I thought it would be a great opportunity to reflect upon my work throughout the year. I will share some of my progress on projects, some old projects that hasn't seen the light of day, and won't see the light of day again, and other wacky hijinks.


Lets start with the unmentionables, the unused, incomplete, unfinished, and otherwise abandoned projects.


Neos Nexus was a project I created in March (of 2023) that made it easy to catologe and search for public Neos assets. You can read more about this project on this post. This project was immediatly abandoned after Neos officially kicked the bucket and the devs migrated over to Resonite. After this transition I took all of the useful stuff I learned from this project to create Resonite.Nexus.


:^) Resonite.Nexus was an almost identical project to Neos.Nexus, and looked pretty much unchanged from the Neos.Nexus project aside from obviously changed references to Neos. The reason I abandoned this was a lot more complex than Neos.Nexus. It mostly came down to time constraints. Many of my readers will also know about my fading confidence in the Resonite platform. It is because of that lack of confidence I have started to distance myself from this project in favor of Overte. I don't want to be left holding the bag of managing a service that relies on a game that I myself don't have confidence in.

Here are some screenshots of the latest (and likely last) version.

There were a lot of changes made between Neos versus Resonite.Nexus. Most notably the removal of "guides". That removal overall came down to bloat. If you really want to make text guides, you've got the Steam forms. That's what they are there for anyways. There was also actually functional reporting so users could report offending assets. What pains me the most about this is that it never saw the light of day. It was a finished product ready to be shipped out the door, it just never did. Overall, it was probably for the best. I have high hopes in my future projects, this project would have just been a massive time sink.

If there is enough interest in the project, I may make it open source (after some much needed modifications) and let whoever wants to host it go for it. For now however, it will sit in my private repo until it gets corrupted in a few hundred thousand years or whatever.

Auto Craft

This project was more of an exploratory project. This was a tool I was creating to automatically craft TF2 items from a nice interface. What this project was trying to do was to teach me how to use the NW library as an alternative to Electronjs. Everyone knows Electron, and everyone hates it. Nothing special about that...

After a bit of on-the-fly research in the middle of writing this post, I found that NW does not infact do what I thought it did. I'm not sure why I decided to try to use NW.JS for this project, but I did just to spite ElectronJS I guess? I was wanting to make something not has bloated as Electron, but I certainly would not have done it with this package. Oh well, I guess this is a mystery that will forever be unknown...

Anyways, it was made to teach me how to use NW.JS and I would say it did do that. I haven't poked at this in nearly 8 months so I doubt anything has stuck. However this does forever exist as an internal example of my work for myself if I ever need to come back to it.

P. Scroller

Ah yes, Scroller. The project that was never going to be. This, to put it shortly, was going to be yet-another-social media application. You can see more about it here. Cancled for the expected reasons. Why do we need this? What does this offer that the others don't? Do I give a shit managing an entire social media service that maybe two people would use? It might come back in the future, but that won't be until after Fractal has a mobile client. :)


This one is a spicy one~ This project was made to capitalize of my e621 api wrapper I had made previously before this project, but unlike my wrapper, this project was never shipped. As with the e621 wrapper, I made this project back when I was an avid and active member of the e621 community. This project was also pretty far done as well, I am pretty upset with how I never got it to a state I was happy with. The worst part was when I opened up the application while writing this; I audibly "wow"-ed at how elegantly the UI was created. I really poured a lot of soul into this (with the transitions and subtle animations that can not be conveyed by a single image). This program itself was a true work of art. I have got to step my current UI game up, past me is putting present me to shame.

This was a project I abandoned shortly after abandoning the e621-wrapper.

(No, "Armored Dragon" on e621 is not my account. As of writing this that account does not even exist.)


Just as spicy as the last.

I gave this up quickly after both a lack of continued interest, and some long boiling drama™ between me, and the then moderation and administration.

As mentioned, this project was released! You can still find the public source code here. Although do keep in mind, this is no longer maintained and has not been for over a year now. There are much better alternatives available now.

Future Products

Things that I still have hope of completing. This is mostly a spreed round as these still are in active development. You can find the respective repos as relevant, otherwise you should stay tuned.


YAB is as the title suggest, a blogging website. You can find the source code here. I plan on creating a fully featured blogging website deployable by docker. I like to keep my things as simple as can be, and the alternatives I've found do not suit me. This project will of course suit my needs, and I feel will also suit a lot of other people's needs.

P. Exclusion

A bideo geam I am working on! :D No additional screenshots yet! I am still working on a blog post detailing more of my progress for next week, or whenever I can get around to posting it. I am making a lot of progress in the background though!


This one is still more of an "eh" project. Something set on in the back burner. This is an exploratory project into the QT design interface workflow as well as creating a fully functional, encrypted messaging service. No progress has been made on it since it's introduction in thispost.

Potential Projects

Finally, lets touch on things I may create in the far distant future, if the stars align in such a way.


A VR title similar to Resonite. As I write this I am considering just abandoning the project (not like it ever really started lol) and start pull requesting Overte hard. Overte has serious issues that need to be addressed before it goes mainstream, but that's a topic for another blog post.


A QT FOSS Steam client alternative. Probably one of the least worked on projects here. What you see is what is done. There is no interactivity or any kind of user interaction to speak of. However it is something I do look into from time to time to poke at my QT skills.


A code previewer. More info at a later date.

Walp, that's another year down. Let's see how hard 2024 is gonna fuck us all. Buckle up everyone, shit's about to get real. Good luck, have fun, and have a very merry Christmas!