Armored Dragon Blog
The Pursuit of Progress

Hello everyone! It is with great pleasure to announce that I have been relearning basic algebra! :D

I lied, it came with no pleasure. I hate it here.

I have to learn some basics of algebra, and combine it with some trigonometry in order to fully design the AI pathfinding system I have been just dying to build in NeosVR. One day I will be able to say it was time well spent, but for now I just have to keep my nose to the grind stone. With that said, I love math, I just hate learning about math. I can say that every time I truly learn something, I feel fantastic being able to implement these concepts and it works. I have been riding off of my high of my cross-products implementation. It's still currently in the works but I am seeing promising results.



Behold, the finished Glock 22 model! This model has very good topology considering my skill level inside of Blender, but it is still very basic. I do find this model quite appealing as is though so I am not too rush-happy to make adjustments or changes. I have also been working on my weapon system and I have slapped in the bare minimum to call this finished. There are a few tiny things I need to finish, but I am very happy about my progress. I will soon start designing attachments for this weapon to get a leg up against my competition.


GPS Marker

Here is a new tool I made just quickly. This tool is designed to create GPS markers and measure distances between them. I am using this tool to test my node-selecting features that are present in my Nav-Gun. I already released this in my public folder, if you would like to test it, check it out under my "DevTools" folder! This made it very easy for me to preform calculations by having all of the numbers I need and be able to visualize it for other people.

Here is a still in-development model of my Navigation gun. It's still very simple, but it captures the general idea of what I want. I'm shooting for a more rough, experimental looking gun, but still very futuristic.


I have been working on this in-game camera model after inspiration from a friend. The main thing I wanted to do was to optimize the Neos camera so that I could carry it everywhere without it causing lag for everyone by having it out. I do believe I have succeeded! I now have quick access to a high quality camera, at any time! I have attached this to my current avatar so I can just snap a picture with ease.


I have made significant changes from my last post to my development map.

I mainly hang around the research area because I am always on that grind :100: :100:, but I also made a "trophy room" to showcase all of my completed projects. I have yet to display my Weapons system or my missile system as they are still imperfect, but they will be the next additions to my trophy room. One day I hope to fill it with actual trophies, but as I have very little interest in preforming in actual, sanctioned competitions, that probably won't happen. For now, my trophy room will just be a showcase room to show all of my visitors about how great I am :P.

Project Exclusion

No screenshots this time! :c I have been making some good progress on my game, I have been toying around with character movements, and an inventory system for players. Other than that, I haven't done too much. I did get around to importing my Glock model as a place-holder for other weapons and I am very happy with how it looks. However for the final game I will need to make a more detailed model. That is down the pipeline and for when I am better and Blendering. I do hope to get my M202 rocket launcher imported and start working on that, but that is for the future.