Armored Dragon Blog

Don't mind me saying last month got an extra blog post. It turns out it didn't! :3 I just didn't have anything ready to show off last month unfortunately, but I'm back and I have two blog posts worths of stuff to share this cycle!


Here is probably one of the last things I will ever make for NeosVR. It's quite sad I have to say it but it is likely true. This is a 3D recreation of the Neos.Nexus logo. This wasn't hard to make, as a result I don't have too much more to say about it, but this was the first 3D logo I have ever created! So that's a achievement.

New vehicles

B-52 Stratofortress

This was a placeholder model I was going to use for my "Air Raid" map I had created some time back. See this post. I never got around to actually replacing the placeholder-placeholder models I had in there before, but now is definitely too late to consider such a change. Especially considering if I value my time, which I do. When I was rendering out this image to show on this blog I decided to spice it up a little and learn a little more about particle systems in Blender. You can just make out some smoke coming from the engines. Not to toot my own horn but I think the particles really add to the image. I consider this very short learning expedition a success!

F-1 Rocketdyne engine

Here are two iterations of the F-1 Rocketdyne engine I have created. The first iteration was of course my first attempt at creating the F-1 engine, but it did not meet my expectations.

What I mean to say is that it sucked.

It sucked so much that I ended up taking a two or so long day break from Blender and devote all of my working time into researching and finding reference images for the F-1 engine that weren't so bad, and completely remaking it. The final result is far better and much more true to source than my original attempt. I could write a whole essay on why my first design was awful and how it became so bad.

Saturn V S-IC

Here is a close-to-final render of the Saturn V S-IC, aka the first stage of the Saturn V rocket. Internally there are tanks inside to show how the fuel for the rocket was stored. I am very excited to complete this model because if it's good enough, and I will give it my damnedest attempt, I can actually probably sell this model for a amount of money. How much that is will depend on how much I think this model is worth, but I will be sure to make sure it is up to snuff if and when I decide to market it.

Hopefully in the next game I decide to inhabit after Neos goes the way of the dodo, I will likely allow people to use the model freely so long as it stays in the game.