Armored Dragon Blog
Past Work

Hai! I'm on time this week! Recently due to the ever growing uncertainty of NeosVR I have been cleaning up my inventory and I discovered a lot of old content I have made or worked on. Todays post will be largely about all of my old work that I would love to document before I erase them off of my storage forever.




Starting off I have "lots" of old facets I have made while I was building what would end up being the alpha release of my in-game facet.

This facet has been a work in progress for several months and, as you can see, the design of the facet hardly changed much during development. There are a few things that bug me about the design that I think I can fix. I don't like how I need to make as much space for each listing as I do. Most of the empty space comes from the space I had allotted for a description preview I wanted to add. There were a few issues with my implementation and I ended up just turning the description previews off. At this point in this facets life I feel that it is a dead end. I am looking to redesign it from the ground up with what I had learned from building the facet the first time. Instead of using Ukilop's RedPrint I will probably build it using Scrap Savage's Cube print. Working in a 3D space fits better with me personally and I feel like I would be able to get things looking better and more organized using Scrap's system.

String Formatting: Arrays! D:

I ended up ditching the For loop implementation to the hard-coded length for one simple reason: Simplicity. Neos.Nexus doesn't supply an indefinite amount of data. Running all of these for loops would cause unneeded complexity to the project. After about a day of toying around with the idea I ended up satisfied with the result.


For a very brief time (Maybe three days) I used to use Websocket requests to get data from the Neos.Nexus server. I did this initially because I didn't want to handle formatting the response JSON I was going to end up receiving. This method was my first thought on how to solve that issue with minimal effort. Doing a websocket requests allowed to me to time requests. This means that if I make a request I know my first response from the server would be the title value, the next response would be the description, etc. I decided against this for several key reasons. First; why. Why would I use a websocket connection to handle something that should be handled with a simple GET request? Second; performance. If I were to handle these requests via a websocket that would have a lot more performance issues than just using a GET request. Once I fully realized the severity of this implementation I got to work on actually solving the issues instead of trying to avoid them. I ended up formatting a string response from a JSON on the server and sent it back to the Neos facet using the String Formatting system pictured above. Two separator symbols and very fast to decode.

New Homeworld

I started working on a new bunker homeworld that I think will end up being more cozy than the one I currently have as my home.

Part of the reason I wanted a new home world was because my current one just seems like a dead end style-wise. I really tried to make something cool and something fun to be in, but I just couldn't do it. The world just ended up being too big for it's own good and had other issues including player size issues. My avatars in NeosVR are much larger than the default size and I couldn't fit in my own world. I got made fun of on several occasions and I figured that this is a serious problem. This current design will be taking advantage of several floors instead of several long hallways. This should hopefully make it better for large crowds and small groups the same way. I also made the party room first as I wanted to have a relaxing room to chill in for me and my (future maybe) team of members who help me with Neos.Nexus. As I am still solo-ing .Nexus I haven't had too much reason to continue building the world but this is still on the list. One day I do hope to have a group I can chill with and build something together, for now I am cursed to build alone. In the mean time, look for a special extra blog post next week (early I know!) going into more detail about the maps I have built in the past few weeks.

Cone Gun

This is a gun I made that cones people that you shoot! All it does is place a cone on the head, just out of the targets view. The age goes from left to right, prototype to finished product. I didn't spend too much time on the model as this is a private tool I made because I like coning people.


One project I worked on that I was very blown away with the final result was my mounted machine gun I created.

My favorite sub-project I worked on using my Minigun was the remote viewer system I made. This didn't come though the video at all due to how Neos records the screen. How it works is as soon as you sit down you get placed into the colored sphere. The colored sphere is a filter I made to mimic what you might see in a CCTV camera. There aren't any special effects other than the denaturation but this test was very informative for my future projects. I plan on making a few vehicles and I would like to design weapons that take advantage of these vehicles. One of my friends actually made a small jeep that fits very well with this minigun and I am toying with placement and usability using their awesome jeep. I can't wait to make more weapons! (Oh and spoiler, they don't do anything but look pretty. I don't like killing people. :c )